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Date:  September 11, 2003

Location  Mountain Lakes Backpack - Day 2

Where:  Clover Lake to Lake Harriette


 In the morning we continued on up the Clover Creek Trail, joining the Mountain Lakes Loop Trail to make a clock-wise trip through the heart of the Mountain Lakes Wilderness. Taking a suggestion from the book, 'Crater Lake National Park and Vicinity' by Jeffrey Schaffer, we elected to climb Peak #7708.

Peak #7708

This peak suffers the ignominy of having to be identified only by its elevation, as it has not been named.

Mary & Ken climbing #7708

It was a quick clamber up the rocky pile to the summit for some fantastic views of the surrounding area. Here we got a birds-eye view of the wilderness and good views of the distant peaks of McLoughlin and Shasta.

Ken, Mary & JIm on the summit of #7708

Once down from the summit, we switched-back down the trail into the main basin, stopping to take photos of Eb and Zeb Lakes. At Lake Como we stopped for lunch and lounged on the shoreline logs in the sunshine, entertained by cruising brook trout feeding on floundering dragonflies. From Lake Como we climbed up the trail past Zepher Lake, stopping along the way to taste and photograph Grouse Huckleberries on our way to Lake Harriette.

Ken on #7708 with Lake of the Woods and Mt McLoughlin
Klamath Lake from #7708
Mt Shasta from #7708