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Date:  December 1, 2006

Location  Tahkenitch Creek Hike

Where:  Siuslaw National Forest


 Friday looked to be the best day weather wise, and with warmer temperatures at the coast it was easy to select the Tahkenitch Creek Trail to hike. Coming along for the day were Janet Schaller, John Compton, and Ed Harrod.

Jim, Janet, & John at the trailhead - - - photo by Ed Harrod

Ed helped John setup his new pedometer and off we went, stopping to compare at each trail marker.

John & Ed set their pedometers and compare at the 2 mile post

Over lunch as we sat in the sun, we joked about how tough it was to spend winter on the Oregon Coast where people say; 'it rains all the time'.

lunch where Tahkenitch Creek meets the ocean - - - photos by Ed Harrod

My plan was to make a loop hike based on a map from Bill Sullivan's book. As we started back on what I took to be the return segment, John mentioned that he thought the trail looked like the one we had hiked out on----'couldn't be I replied'. A little later, Ed noticed some tell tail foot prints-----'couldn't be'. Eventually it became obvious that we were indeed on the same trail. Janet finally put it together, realizing that the beach segment of the trail no longer existed. It some times takes everyone's input to get safely home.

dunes section - - photo by Ed Harrod