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Title:Oregon Dunes Loop Trail
Area:Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area
Elevation:0 - 120
Trail:Oregon Dunes Loop
Misc:A Recreational Pass or fee is required to use this parking lot.
Google Maps
Trip Journals -
12/16/06, 7/2/07, 1/13/08, 8/26/08, 12/5/08, 4/6/09, 4/15/10, 7/11/10
Notes:Two former seperate but connected trails; the Oregon Dunes Trail and the Tahkenitch Creek Loop Trail have now been renamed as one trail, the Oregon Dunes Loop Trail. The trailhead is located in the Oregon Dunes Overlook parking lot. You have a choice of starting from either the observation deck, or from the restroom area. This makes about a 5 mile loop. Check the map at the bottom of this page. Keeping track of the posts is the key to staying the trail.
Route:From Florence take Highway 101 south for 10 miles, or from Reedsport take Highway 101 north for 11 miles, turn west into the Oregon Dunes Overlook Day Use.
Distance:5.0 (loop)
USGS_75:Tahkenitch Creek
Reference:100 Hikes Oregon Coast by Sullivan / 120 Hikes the Oregon Coast by Henderson / Siuslaw Forest Hikes by Lilja

Oregon Dunes Loop Trail

Tahkenitch Creek - - - - - January 13, 2008

following these post is the key to staying on the trail

Semipalmated Plover - - - July 11, 2010
